FATF avoids accountability

We ensure they can’t

A recipe for civil society repression

What FATF terms the ‘Unintended Consequences’ of their recommendations, we see as the inevitable outcome. Its stifling effects on civil society globally are not exceptions, but the norm. We seek to highlight this ‘unintended’ impact of FATF’s work by making this information immediately accessible, countering FATF’s attempts to obfuscate their role and evade responsibility.

Why is this mission needed?

That’s where we come in

Our project seeks to bring together and build on existing work being done by scholars, activists and civil society organisations in order to hold FATF accountable.

We recognise FATF carries disproportionate power and influence, with negligible regulation or accountability.

We report on the severe harm FATF continues to perpetuate around the world both directly and indirectly.

We bring to light, though in-depth research, that FATF’s counter-terrorism recommendations have been, by themselves, often ineffective in countering terrorism.

We will not hold back in asking difficult questions and challenging FATF. We seek to bring a higher standard of accountability by going beyond FATF’s self-defined boundaries of engagement.

We will show in the simplest possible terms all that FATF wants to keep out of the public eye.

Interested in our mission?

Reach out to us today. Stand for justice

Fill in the contact form below, or write to us at eyesonfatf@proton.me

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