Country portal
FATF has nearly 40 member countries, and exerts its influence through numerous regional bodies. Non-member countries are equally subject to FATF’s standards through blacklisting methods.
We’re here to demystify FATF’s localized forms of influence in each part of the world. Welcome to our country portal, where you can view a fact-file for each country’s place within the FATF apparatus. Through news and reporting, learn how FATF has influenced local aspects on the ground in each context.

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Membership Status: Full Member (Since 2010), Member of FATF Steering Group
Regional Bodies: Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), Eurasian Group (EAG)
Compliance level: Placed in the ‘regular follow-up’ category after the 2023-24 Mutual Evaluation. One of only five G20 countries in this top category
Recent Evaluation: Mutual Evaluation conducted during 2023-24
The Philippines
Membership Status: Not a full member. Currently under increased monitoring (often referred to as the “grey list”).
Being on the “grey list” may impact international financial relations and investor confidenceRegional Bodies: Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG)
Compliance Level: As of 2022 Mutual Evaluation, Largely Compliant for 29 of the FATF 40 Recommendations. Compliant for 8 of the FATF 40 Recommendations
Recent Evaluation: Last Mutual Evaluation Report published in October 2021. Follow-up report published in November 2023
Upcoming: Implementation of National Anti-Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorism Financing, and Counter-Proliferation Financing Strategy (NACS) 2023-2027.
South Africa
Membership Status: Full Member (Since 2003). Currently under increased monitoring (often referred to as the “grey list”).
Being on the “grey list” may impact international financial relations and investor confidenceRegional Bodies: Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG)
Compliance Level: As of the 2023 follow-up Mutual Evaluation, Largely Compliant for 29 of the FATF 40 Recommendations, Compliant for 5 of the FATF 40 Recommendations
Recent Evaluation: Mutual Evaluation Report published in October 2021. Follow-up report published in November 2023
Upcoming: South Africa has until January 2025 to address all remaining Action Items. If successful, an onsite visit could be scheduled for April/May 2025, with potential removal from the grey list at the June 2025 FATF Plenary.
Membership Status: Not a full member. On the FATF “grey list” of Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring since February 2024.
Regional Bodies: Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG)
Compliance Level: Compliant for 13 of the FATF 40 Recommendations. Largely Compliant for 3 of the FATF 40 Recommendations
Recent Evaluation: Mutual Evaluation Report adopted in September 2022
Upcoming: Expected to take 3-4 years to address deficiencies and potentially be removed from the grey list