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FATF-Inspired Law Weaponized Against Scholars and Activists In India, Citizens Warn

FATF-Inspired Law Weaponized Against Scholars and Activists In India, Citizens Warn

Citizens raise alarm over misuse of anti-money laundering law to target activists and scholars in India. The open letter highlights how FATF-inspired legislation is being weaponized against government critics, undermining civil liberties and democratic processes.

FATF-Inspired FCRA Crackdown in India: Severe Consequences for Non-Profit Organizations

FATF-Inspired FCRA Crackdown in India: Severe Consequences for Non-Profit Organizations

As nonprofits in India continue to lose their FCRA licences, the impact is being felt most sharply by their staff, the people they serve, and society at large.

FATF Compliance or Overreach? India’s Enforcement Directorate Under Scrutiny for Excessive Powers

FATF Compliance or Overreach? India’s Enforcement Directorate Under Scrutiny for Excessive Powers

The ED has cast its dragnet wide. It is using the interpretation of a circular issued by the agency itself in 2020 for this purpose. The circular was intended to define its role. But it has a clause giving its director enormous discretionary powers.


PM Narendra Modi says he is victim of NGOs’ conspiracy

PM Narendra Modi says he is victim of NGOs’ conspiracy

ByteamFeb 21, 20162 min read
PM Narendra Modi on Sunday said that he is a victim of a conspiracy by non-governmental organisations to “finish” him and remove his government.


FATF Overlooks Civil Society Concerns in India’s…
FATF Overlooks Civil Society Concerns in India’s…

First published on The Wire: The Financial Action Task Force…

FATF Silence Deafening as India Dismisses US…
FATF Silence Deafening as India Dismisses US…

First published on The Hindu India’s Ministry of External Affairs has…

FATF fails its mandate with India review:…
FATF fails its mandate with India review:…

Today’s release of India’s Mutual Evaluation Report by the Financial Action…

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