Country portal

FATF has nearly 40 member countries, and exerts its influence through numerous regional bodies. Non-member countries are equally subject to FATF’s standards through blacklisting methods.

We’re here to demystify FATF’s localized forms of influence in each part of the world. Welcome to our country portal, where you can view a fact-file for each country’s place within the FATF apparatus. Through news and reporting, learn how FATF has influenced local aspects on the ground in each context.

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News and Reports

FATF Standards Weaponized? India’s Civil Society Under Siege

FATF Standards Weaponized? India’s Civil Society Under Siege

Prime Minister Modi’s aggressive measures against NGOs, justified under FATF compliance, have led to a severe funding crunch and operational challenges for civil society in India.
FATF-inspired Laws Lead to 87% Drop in Foreign Funds When India Needs Funds Most

FATF-inspired Laws Lead to 87% Drop in Foreign Funds When India Needs Funds Most

Foreign funds donated to Indian NGOs fell 87% over two years, from Rs 16,490 crore in 2018-19 to Rs 2,190 crore in 2019-20, as the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi tightened an already opaque law, which has disallowed foreign donations to more than 16,000 such organisations. As the income of the poorest 20% of Indian households halved since 2016—the first such decline in 31 years—we report how the government is criminalising thousands of NGOs and hindering assistance to its poorest during a pandemic.
FATF Standards and Civil Liberties: The UAPA Dilemma in India

FATF Standards and Civil Liberties: The UAPA Dilemma in India

India’s implementation of the UAPA, ostensibly to meet FATF standards, has led to thousands of arrests but few convictions, raising alarm about potential misuse and overreach.
Why NGOs are demanding immediate suspension of FATF-inspired FCRA rules

Why NGOs are demanding immediate suspension of FATF-inspired FCRA rules

Several NGOs and relief organisations have urged the central government to temporarily relax or suspend FCRA rules as it will help them receive foreign funding to help people during the second Covid-19 wave. Here is all you need to know.
PM Narendra Modi says he is victim of NGOs’ conspiracy

PM Narendra Modi says he is victim of NGOs’ conspiracy

PM Narendra Modi on Sunday said that he is a victim of a conspiracy by non-governmental organisations to “finish” him and remove his government.
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