Indian Government shields Hindutva Terror Groups in breach of FATF Standards

The report exposes the growing threat of terrorist financing of Hindutva groups in India and highlights the Indian government’s failure to address this issue for political gain. By neglecting to take action against these groups, the Indian government is violating the FATF’s recommendationson countering the financing of terrorism. The report calls for the FATF to hold India accountable and take necessary actions to ensure compliance.

It reveals how Hindutva groups receive financial support from extremist organizations through a network of transactions disguised as charitable activities. This complex web allows extremist funds to flow into Hindutva groups, facilitating their growth both within and outside India. Alarmingly, the financial backing of these groups has increased, contributing to their expanding influence and operations.

The report also critiques the misuse of government resources, which are directed toward targeting civil society organizations critical of the government, rather than investigating genuine cases of terror financing involving Hindutva groups. This double standard undermines India’s commitment to combating the financing of terrorism on a global scale.

Additionally, the report warns that Hindutva terrorism poses an international threat. If left unchecked, it could destabilize global peace, making it imperative for international bodies like the FATF to intervene and address the situation before it escalates further.

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