Country portal

FATF has nearly 40 member countries, and exerts its influence through numerous regional bodies. Non-member countries are equally subject to FATF’s standards through blacklisting methods.

We’re here to demystify FATF’s localized forms of influence in each part of the world. Welcome to our country portal, where you can view a fact-file for each country’s place within the FATF apparatus. Through news and reporting, learn how FATF has influenced local aspects on the ground in each context.

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News and Reports

FATF fails its mandate with India review: Critical issues ignored

FATF fails its mandate with India review: Critical issues ignored

Today’s release of India’s Mutual Evaluation Report by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) overlooks critical aspects of the country’s […]
FATF Silence Deafening as India Dismisses US Court Summons in Alleged Assassination Plot

FATF Silence Deafening as India Dismisses US Court Summons in Alleged Assassination Plot

As India rebuffs US court summons over an alleged assassination plot, FATF’s silence on potential misuse of security apparatus highlights gaps in its oversight of counter-terrorism measures.
The Adverse Impact of Counterterrorism Laws on Human Rights Defenders and FATF Compliance in India

The Adverse Impact of Counterterrorism Laws on Human Rights Defenders and FATF Compliance in India

A comprehensive report by the American Bar Association reveals how India has exploited FATF recommendations to justify laws that suppress civil society and human rights defenders.
Indian Government shields Hindutva Terror Groups in breach of FATF Standards

Indian Government shields Hindutva Terror Groups in breach of FATF Standards

A new report titled “Indian Government shields Hindutva Terror Groups in breach of FATF Standards” sheds light on India’s failure to prevent terrorist financing of Hindutva groups while ostensibly complying with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations.
Weaponizing Counterterrorism: India’s exploitation of terrorism financing assessments to target the civil society

Weaponizing Counterterrorism: India’s exploitation of terrorism financing assessments to target the civil society

The Indian government has exploited the 2010 and 2013 Financial Action Task Force (FATF) assessment reports to supplement its arsenal of counterterrorism and money laundering laws, many of which are routinely used to target civil society organisations and human rights defenders.
FATF Overlooks Civil Society Concerns in India’s Mutual Evaluation Report

FATF Overlooks Civil Society Concerns in India’s Mutual Evaluation Report

FATF’s latest evaluation praises India’s anti-money laundering efforts while overlooking serious concerns about civil society suppression
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